Harvest 2021: Just In: Chardonnay, Muscat and Sauvignon Blanc!

Hip hip hooray, Harvest 2021 is underway! The first grapes have been picked-Mumm kicked it off with Chardonnay for their sparkling on August 3-and reports are coming in from all over the valley about who is picking what and from where.

Our friends at Schramsberg Vineyards toasted their first fruit of the year on August 12, harvesting ten tons of Chardonnay from the Lavender Hill Vineyard in Napa-Carneros, a new vineyard site for Schramsberg. Lola Wines also celebrated on the 12th, bringing in Muscat from Calistoga. Lola is using this grape for a new addition to their wine portfolio: a straw wine. The ancient variety of Muscat and traditional process dates backs thousands of years and is exciting to see in Calistoga. Make sure you follow along with owner Seth Cripe and his team to learn more about the process and how Lola’s straw wine will have a different style than traditional ones.

Over at Tank Garage Winery, their first juice of the year is the mourvedre for their rosé. Flavor profiles include grapefruit, pineapple and as Tank put it, “heaven on earth”! Tank also announced that Chef Christie has been working hard in the kitchen and recently created this years official Harvest 2021 Cellar Sandwich. Eggo waffle, hummus, apples and prosciutto, anyone?!

Meanwhile, Sauvignon Blanc fans should be excited as both Charles Krug and Pope Valley Winery started picking their their Sauvignon Blanc grapes in the early morning of August 17th.   

Wondering what is happening with the Napa Valley’s famous red varietals? Most are still experiencing veraison and have a few more weeks to fully ripen before they leave the vineyards for the tanks. Veraison, the onset of the ripening of the grapes, is noted by the change of color of the grape berries from green to red. Acidity and sugar levels change and aroma and flavor components develop during veraison, a crucial period in nature’s cycle leading up to harvest. Winemakers are watching closely but word on the vines is at least 3 more weeks before any red berries are plucked.

Stay tuned for more updates on Harvest 2021, the most exciting time of the year in the Napa Valley! #thisisCalistoga

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