Celebrate Spring in Calistoga!

Calistoga’s Storied History:
There’s more to Calistoga than its hot springs, world-class wines and relaxed charm. This northern Napa Valley town’s natural and cultural history adds another dimension to the wine country experience.

Much of the region’s history is still alive in Calistoga, from authentic Victorian architecture to the city’s famous mineral hot springs. In fact, its historic roots are so intact that the National Trust for Historic Preservation named Calistoga a “Distinctive Destination”. It recognizes Calistoga as one of an elite group of American communities dedicated to preserving its town’s character and sense of place.

An excellent short article on Calistoga, its History, and some famous residents is available on Wikipedia.


Calistoga is blessed by distinct seasons with a high proportion of sunny, smog-free days. Nights range from crisp and cool to pleasantly warm in the summer. Annual temperatures range from an average summer high of 92 to an average winter low of 36. Annual rainfall can reach 36 inches.


Population: 5,088 (2020 census).
Median age: 47
Area: 2.5 square miles, or 1,620 acres.
Location: 365 feet above sea level at Longitude W122°35′, Latitude N38°35′.
Time zone: UTC-8, PST. Distance from San Francisco: 75 miles
Part of the first Congressional District of California, represented by Mike Thompson (D).

In 2001, the National Trust for Historic Preservation selected Calistoga as one of twelve Distinctive Destinations.