Vintner Barry Waitte founded Tamber Bey Vineyards in 1999, when he purchased a 60-acre vineyard in the Yountville Appellation and an 11-acre property in the renowned Oakville Appellation. This marked Waitte’s entry into the wine business as a grower. He immediately...
Phifer Pavitt Wine is a small boutique winery producing their two “Date Night” wines of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. It is the story of city boy meets country girl. What you may not know is that every country girl that has ever successfully...
V. Sattui Winery is a family-owned winery established in 1885 located in St. Helena, in the heart of California’s famous Napa Valley. V. Sattui Winery offers the quintessential wine country experience to our customers with our beautiful picnic grounds, multiple...
The Trinchero Napa Valley winery is meticulously designed as an enduring symbol of everything the Trinchero family has worked toward for nearly 70 years. It represents three generations committed to crafting wine of the utmost quality. It is a beacon, heralding both...
At Six Sigma Ranch & Winery, they combine Six Sigma methods with the craftmanship of winemaking to enable the creation of a consistent, quality product. For those who are not familiar with it, the Six Sigma methodology was derived from mathematical models...