As the sun rises and the days grow warmer, Calistoga, a small town nestled in the heart of Napa Valley, blossoms with new life. The season of renewal invites travelers to experience the charms of this rustic gem, where the beauty of nature, the joys of wine, and the...
Calistoga is a haven for romantics – from charming boutique hotels to private wine tastings to adventurous hot air balloon rides, there is no shortage of romantic things to experience here. If you are looking for off-the-beaten path romance, however, where you can...
Modern hotel guests want more than just a pretty room and cozy bed these days – you expect to enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience that offers a sense of place. Indeed, this past April, Hotel Business Magazine reported that 81% of consumers request local adventure...
There’s a particular emotion sure to embrace your senses as you pull into the Calistoga hillside driveway of Aurora Park Cottages, and that feeling is one of peace. Beginning with the narrow, tree-lined drive, it’s clear this place is an escape from...
If this is your first planned trip to Calistoga, please know that you are in for a treat. This exceptional spot in Napa Valley is imbued with a history dating back to the 1800s. Calistoga has retained its rural, laid-back feel, yet brims in modern charm. Recent...
Napa Valley is renowned for romance, and at the crown of the Valley, Calistoga is perhaps the pinnacle of quixotic bliss. Robert Louis Stevenson and his bride, Fanny, spent their honeymoon here in the late 1800s. Perhaps they started a trend; hundreds of couples are...